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Orangevale Open K-8 School
Parent Teacher Student Organization

Orangevale Open K-8 PTSO exists to support Orangevale Open K-8 core principles of hands on learning & parent participation. We steward all the money that comes in through parent payments, fundraising and donations. Our money primarily funds field trips but also makes classroom extras, beginning band and community events possible . We offer financial support to grades, teachers, departments and administration through our fundraising efforts. We maintain a 501(c)3 which allows all fundraising that happens in grades and at the PTSO level. We carry the insurance that covers all of our events and after school clubs.  We are in charge of all of our large fundraising and community events. 

Want to join the Board?

Board elections take place each Spring. Board member elections are staggered with some positions being elected on even years some on odd years. Board positions are open to all OVO Community members. Contact us for more information or to let us know you would like to submit your name for the ballot. 

When are positions open for election?

Board positions and the year they are up for re- election.




Directors 3 positions


Vice Chair


Head Grade Treasurer

Directors 3 positions

Meet Your Board

About OVO K-8

Orangevale Open K-8 is a choice public school, currently serving over 600 students in Kindergarten through grade 8 from across San Juan Unified School District. Our school is open to any student within the district.  Our program follows a standards-based curriculum while having a strong focus on authentic learning which is often hands-on. Our students go on many field trips at every grade level where they experience the content and apply the concepts. The curriculum comes to life and is that much more accessible to every learner.

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